Augason Farms 5-10165 Chicken Noodle Chicken Flavored Soup Mix 2 lb 6.5 oz No. 10 Super Can


SKU: BCG-5-10165 Brand: .


Manufacturer Part Number: 5-10165

Imagine a meal that gives more than just warmth and comfort.Our dehydrated Chicken Noodle Soup also offers delicious flavor and the healthbenefits of vitamin A and other essential nutrients. This mix is excellent foreveryday use and emergency food storage.

Augason Farms SuperCans offer the ultimate food-storage versatility. With individual pouches youcan prepare only what you need when you need it, without compromising the25-year shelf life* of unopened pouches. Enjoy meals today or store for anemergency – either way, you’re covered!


#10 Can

SKU: 5-10165


Total Quantity:             5 pouches in one #10 can

TotalServings:             4 perpouch/ 20 total

Total Calories:              190 per serving/ 3,800 total

Container Size:            #10can with lid

Container Weight:        2 lb. 6.4 oz.

Shelf Life:                    Up to 25 years*

Nutrition Facts, Ingredients, Directions

*Product good up to 25 years when unopened. Best when stored in a cool, dry anddark place at temperatures between 55° F and 70° F.  Actual shelf life mayvary based on individual storage conditions.